trivia crack

Monetize your knowledge

Create and share trivia challenges

Engage and grow your audience

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Meet Trivia Crack for Creators

Create engaging trivia content

Enhance your community with insightful content through the most enjoyable trivia ever, all while expressing your unique style. Create your own trivia Challenge!

From our trivia factory

Select a topic to inspire your audience, and we'll provide ready-to-use content created and curated by the Trivia Crack community.

From scratch

Use the Trivia Crack platform to create your original trivia content and challenge your audience to play & learn!

From our trivia factory

Select a topic to inspire your audience, and we'll provide ready-to-use content created and curated by the Trivia Crack community.

From scratch

Use the Trivia Crack platform to create your original trivia content and challenge your audience to play & learn!

Grow your income with these tips

Get more out of Trivia Crack for Creators by learning how @anatomy_professor makes use of it. Start monetizing your knowledge with Trivia Crack!

Tap him to hear his story.

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your knowledge

Earn money for each new player you bring to
Trivia Crack. The more they play, the more you earn!

You'll be able to carefully monitor your earnings, and thus craft the most profitable strategy.


Please check if you meet the following requirements to apply

  • You must be 18 years or older.
  • Reach at least 100,000 followers on TikTok, 20,000 followers on Instagram, or 10,000 followers on Youtube.

Download Trivia Crack now and monetize your knowledge with the Trivia Crack for Creators Program!

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